Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wedding photographer >> A bride-to-be

All these while been working with brides as my part of my job as a wedding photographer. From  survey , finalize the wedding flow and also help them with slideshow if required. It has been a year in year out role as a service provider . And every wedding assignment , i feel the  the excitement and nervousness of the  brides on their very important moment of their lives.

I am glad he has been with me throughout my photography journey.He believed in me , he watched me grow and this career wouldn't have happen without him too. He bought my first DSLR as he couldn't bear seeing me shoot with a combination of film slr + compact

 Countless precious weekends together instead of  dating like normal couples do , we go out together as "partner in crime" , covering assignments till we're drop dead tired. But he never complained, just some occasional joke "Boss , can i apply MC ?" .  He's my best critic - never fail to give me honest feedback smacked to my face . We have always love mutual honesty and frankness in our communication .

In about 3 months , we shall walk down the aisle - our dream wedding at a location which we hope will leave great memories not only for us but to every single guests we've invited .